Genomic and transcriptomic data from publicly available initiatives
The Cancer Genome Atlas
The Cancer Genome Atlas is a consortium dedicated to the systematic study of alterations in a variety of human cancers. It has made publicly available mRNA expression, DNA copy number, mutation and methylation data, alongside its associated clinical data for a range of cancer types/subtypes.
PGPA data content:
Clinical data: 185
Simple somatic mutation: 184
mRNA expression: 178
International Cancer Genome Consortium
The consortium, established in 2007, aimed to define the genomes of 25,000 primary untreated cancers (the 25K Initiative). The ICGC solved numerous data governance, ethical and logistical challenges to make global genomic data sharing for cancer possible, providing the international community with comprehensive genomic data for many cancer types.
PGPA data content:
Clinical data: 882
Simple somatic mutation: 748
mRNA expression: 357
Cancer Cell Line EncycloPGPAia
CCLE project is an effort to conduct a detailed genetic characterisation of a large panel of human cancer cell lines. A compilation of mRNA expression and mutation data have been made available for analysis.
PGPA data content:
Cell line profile: 60
Simple somatic mutation: 60
mRNA expression: 53
Genomics Evidence Neoplasia Information Exchange
GENIE is a pilot project by American Association for Cancer Research that seeks to identify and validate genomic biomarkers relevant to cancer treatment by linking tumour genomic data from clinical sequencing efforts with longitudinal clinical outcomes.
PGPA data content:
Clinical data: 6633
Simple somatic mutation: 6633